This is the third fall season we have been to Vermont and it never ceases to amaze me. I hope you enjoy these pictures.

A toy train at an Antique Mall on our way back home.

I love the New England fall mornings with its crisp and absolute still weather. I managed to take a picture of Venus in the early morning sky.
The real beauty of Vermont is visible only on the backroads. As we were driving on the backroads, we found these barn animals staring at us taking pictures of them. They seem to know what we were doing.

Wishing you all a wonderful Deepavali as colorful as New England fall.
~ Kalyan
~ Kalyan
I just love living here in New England simply for this reason. Your photos are gorgeous!
Vermont is my dream state to visit. Thanks so much for sharing. I truly think nothing is better than those little places tucked quietly down back roads. And Happy Diwali!
These photos are breath taking! I have never been to Vermont.. but I know it is one beautiful State! You are lucky you can be there.
New England is the most beautiful fall place in the world I think. I miss eastern falls. Utah is pretty in the mountains in the fall but NOT like this!
I am in awe of the beauty of your fall, and thank you for sharing. I don't have those colors here in Southern Utah....
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